Teen Pop Sensationstrue Talent Essay Research Paper

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Teen Pop Sensationstrue Talent Essay, Research Paper Tina Scherzer Teen Pop Sensations: True Talent or Just Pretty Faces? You can t walk into a supermarket these days without seeing a little girl impersonating Britney Spears or wearing a Christina Aguilera tee shirt. Everywhere you look you can see brainwashed pop sensation zombies. It makes one think, what exactly are the youth of today worshipping? Have we truly dropped the standards of talent for no more than a pretty face? The first thing we need to ask ourselves is who are these pop stars and where did they come from? My resources have informed me that these so called musicians are the result of mutated Barbie dolls bred in a secretive factory in Florida. Brought up with no moral character, they strive on sex appeal and

insecure adolescents. The few brain cells that actually cling onto the cobwebs in their brains, have long been exterminated by the high doses of bleach that have seeped through their scalps. Their faces are spackled with excessive makeup and their bodies are poorly dressed with obscene cloths since birth. Obsessive agents draw the teens into their cult with one mission: to brainwash the children of the world. These select teens have been chosen to fill your childs head with catchy songs, full of subliminal messages. How else can you explain the attraction to songs whose lyricists should be shot? It s pretty sad when someone can croon out music a dog could out sing, and still be rich and famous. As for the dance moves, well who couldn t dance after years of being robotically

trained? These walking Wonderbra s act as if they care about their fans, when really they are laughing in their faces. Of course concert tickets are only a zillion dollars a piece, for entertainment that can t even be performed live, because of lack of talent. The snazzy dance moves are a cover for the singing that is mouthed, yet we ll never actually hear. What kind of impression are we giving our children when their role models are selling their bodies for fame? These singers might as well be called the prostitutes of the music industry. These singers are sadly raising our children, filling their heads with nothing but midriff tops and sex appeal. And all our children want to be just like them. But hey, who cares, they re all rich and beautiful right? Why don t we just throw

our children into the Pop Cult pit? Then we ll be zombies too. In our studios today we are lucky enough to have the Bubble Gum Princess herself, Britney Spears. She will be answering some questions from adoring fans, concerned parents, and the inquisitve media. Please welcome Britney Spears! Tina Walters: Hello Britney, how are you today? Britney Spears: Hi, y all. I d be fine if you could get a nice cushion for my little butt. T.W: Ha, ha. Can someone get Ms. Spears a cushion for her little butt? Britney, what do you think about your increasing popularity in the past few years? B.S: Well, first of all I d like to thank all my fans, (the little brats) for coming out and spending all their money on… I mean supporting me. T.W: What do you have to say about critics who claim you

can t sing? B.S: Darn it, I can sing, I can. My mamma and agants tell me so everyday. T.W: Then why do you never sing live? B.S: Duh, cause it will ruin my career. T.W: Who tells you that? B.W: My agant says singing live will strain my beautiful voice. T.W: Ok. Well, Britney, many concerned parents are wondering why you insist on performing half naked at all your shows? B.S: Well how else am I supposed to sell records dummy?… I mean, uh, it gets really hot up there. T.W: What message do you feel you are giving the youth of America? B.S: As long as you re young, beautiful and skinny, you can get whatever you want. T.W: Your agents claim that you try to maintain a virginal image. Do you? B.S: I m supposed to be a virgin! Ha, ha, who would believe that? T.W: Excuse me, oh.