Сравнение грамматических времен иностранных языков
MOODS TENSE ITALIAN NAME SPANISH NAME TRANSLATIONS FIRST PERSON TRANSLATION (IT/SP) Indicative mood Simple tenses (examples in first person) Present Presente Presente I do, I am doing Faccio Hago Imperfect Imperfetto Pretérito Imperfecto I was, used to Facevo Haría Future Futuro Semplice Futuro Simple I will/shall Farò Haré Preterit Passato Remoto Pretérito Indefenido I did Feci Hice Compound tenses Recent Past Passato Prossimo Pretérito Perfecto I have done, did Ho fatto He hecho Recent Pluperfect Trapassato Prossimo Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto I had done Avevo fatto Habia hecho Remote Pluperfect Trapassato Remoto Pretérito Anterior I had done Ebbi fatto Hube hecho Future Perfect Futuro Anteriore Futuro Perfecto I will have done Avrò fatto Habré hecho Conditional mood Simple and compound tenses Present Conditional Condizionale Presente Condicional Imperfecto I would do Farei Haría Compound Conditional Condizionale Passato Condicional Perfecto I would have done Avrei fatto Habría hecho Subjunctive mood Simple tenses (examples in first person) Present Congiuntivo Presente Presente Subjuntivo (That) I do (che io) faccia Haga Imperfect Con. Imperfetto Pretérito Imperfecto Sub. (That) I had done (che io) facessi Hiciera, Hiciese Future Imperfect -------------- Futuro Imperfecto Sub. (That) I will be doing -------------- Hiciere Compound tenses Recent Past Con. Passato Pretérito Perfecto Sub. (That) I did (che io) abbia fatto Haya hecho Recent Pluperfect Con. Trapassato Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto Sub. (That) I had done (che io) avessi/esse fatto Hubiera (hubiese) hecho Future Perfect -------------- Futuro Perfecto Sub. (That) I will have done -------------- Hubiere hecho Special forms Imperative mood Imperative positive Imperativo Imperativo Afirmativo You do Fa'(2 pers.sing.) Haz(2 pers.sing.) Imperative negative Imperativo Negativo You don’t do Non fa'(2 pers.sing.) No hagas(2 pers.sing.) Indefinite tenses Infinitive Infinito Infinitivo Simple Do Fare Hacer Compound Infinitive Infinito Composto Infinitivo Compuesto Have done Aver fatto Haber hecho Present part./Gerund Part. presente/Gerundio Gerundio Simple Doing Facente/Facendo Haciendo Compound Gerund Gerundio Composto Gerundio Compuesto Had been doing Avendo fatto Habiendo hecho Past Participle Participio Passato Participio Pasado Done Fatto Hecho
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