Six Wives of Henry VIII

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Six Wives of Henry VIII Six Wives of Henry VIII. King Henry VIII, Tudor monarch, ruler of England in sixteenth-century, had six wives. The fates of the wives can be remembered as "Divorced, beheaded, divorced, beheaded, survived." From first three marriages he had 10 children from whom has survived only three — Maria from first marriage, Elizabeth from the second and Edward from the third. All of them subsequently reigned. Henry's last three marriages were childless. Король Генрих VIII, Тюдор, правивший Англией в шестнадцатом веке, имел шесть жен. Судьбы его жен можно описать как: "Разведена, казнена, разведена, казнена,

пережила". От первых трех браков он имел 10 детей, от которых выжил только три — Мария от первого брака, Элизабет от второго и Эдварда от третьего. Все они впоследствии царствовали. Последние три брака Генриха были бездетными. Henry VIII's first wife - Queen Catharine of Aragon. She has been married to Arthur, senior brother Henry VIII before his death. Henry VIII married Ekaterina right after introductions on a throne in 1509. The First years of marriage were to all appearances happy, but all children of young spouses were born dead, or died in infancy. The unique survived child was Maria

(1516—1558), who was to become Queen Mary I, also known as Bloody Mary, for the number of Protestant executions in her reign. Nearby 1525 matrimonial attitudes have actually stopped, but Henry, wished to have sons. So Henry asked the Pope to allow him to divorce Catharine. A formal occasion for divorce case became Ekaterina's previous marriage with brother Henry. The process which has stretched on years complicated by intervention of emperor Charles V (nephew Ekaterina) and by a position of Pope Kliment VII, had no results. As a result, on demand of Henry parliament in 1532 has made a decision, forbidden any appeals to Rome. In January, 1533 new archbishop Kenterberijsky Thomas Kranmer has declared cancellation of marriage of Henry and Ekaterina. After that Ekaterina in

official documents named a widow princess Welsh, that is Widow Arthur. Having refused to recognize cancellation of the marriage, Ekaterina has doomed itself to the reference. She has died in January, 1536. Первая жена Генриха VIII - Королева Екатерина Арагонская. Она была замужем за Артуром, старшим братом Генриха VIII. Когда брат умер, Генрих VIII женился на Екатерине Арагонской сразу после введения на троне в 1509. Первые годы брака были судя по всему счастливы, но все дети молодых супругов были рождены мертвыми, или умерли во

младенчестве. Единственным выжившим ребенком была Мария (1516—1558), которая впоследствии стала Королевой Марией I, также известной как " Кровавая Мери ", за огромное количество казненных протестантов во время ее правления. Около 1525 г. супружеские отношения фактически прекратились, а Генрих, желал иметь сыновей. Генрих обратился к Папе за разрешением на разводю Формальным поводом для бракоразводного процесса стало