As Gass To Cars Essay Research Paper
As Gass To Cars Essay, Research Paper As gas to cars, food is human?s source of energy. If there is no food there is no energy, If there is no energy the body cannot work, in other words, dies. But the concept of food has changed throughout history. In fact, the concept of food in one period differs from one place to the other and from one class to another. Food serves from a surviving necessity, to a luxury, to a consolation of the soul. Personally, I think that people today have forgotten about the main function of food, and instead of eating to live they live to eat. A lot of people today say that they only eat to survive. They justify their opinion by saying that they eat when they are hungry and hunger is a signal from the body saying that it is in need of energy. I do not agree with them. For example, I think that people today are answering the call of cravings rather than that of hunger. Also, I think that a lot of people today eat to sooth their souls rather than their bodies. Furthermore, considering what people are putting in their bodies as a source of energy makes you expect a chemical explosion. Firstly, if people were eating to satisfy true hunger, then they would settle with anything that they could put in their mouths and fill their tummies with. But no, today their body is calling for chocolate, yesterday their body was in need of a source of energy imported from China, and who knows what will happen next? Maybe tomorrow their body won?t function with anything less than Italian gas. Secondly, today a lot of people seek comfort in food. When people feel empty inside, they try to fill up that emptiness with food. On a personal level, when I?m feeling down I always think that a chocolate bar or a couple scoops if ice cream would pick me up. When I?m feeling excited or hyper, I look for potato chips or salted crackers. And when I feel tense or under pressure, I feel the need of a combination of both sweets and salties. Thirdly, sometimes you are just shocked at what people eat and the amounts they take. Come on, nobody needs all that energy even if they are going to jog all around the world. If you want to know what I?m talking about just go to a restaurant with an open buffet, or better go to a restaurant with that big sign ?All You Can Eat For ?$?. You will get the feeling that people are stocking their selves up with food getting ready for a famine. People literally eat until they get sick; you will see people gasping for air and people who can hardly walk with their hands over their tummies. Finally, I think that we should always remember the real reason we are provided with food, and to keep in mind that as food is a source of energy, it is a source of countless diseases. So, we should use our mind in choosing what to put inside our mouths, because eating is like everything else in life, overdoing leads to overflowing.
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