ART UNIT Essay Research Paper Art LessonTitle — страница 2

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The students will also get to practice techniques of tempera paint. Materials : To do this lesson, the materials needed are, the story And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss, writing paper, pencils, poster board, tempera paint, and paint brushes. Motivation : The teacher starts the class off by reading And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss. This is a story about a boy who only sees a horse and wagon on his way home from school so he turns it into so much more (a whole parade) so that he has a story to tell his father. The students are to think of something that they see every day and make up a story about it. The teacher gives an example – Every day she looks out her window and sees a small cluster of trees. Only she doesn’t just see

them as trees, she sees a whole family with a mom, dad, and children. When it starts getting cold out, the mom and dad shake their leaves off so that the children can use them to keep warm. The teacher tells the class that their stories can be about anything and as silly as they would like them to be. Procedure : The students are to think of something that they see regularly and tell a story about it. Once they decide on their story, they are to write it down (with help from the teacher if needed). Each student will then get a piece of poster board to illustrate their story on. Using tempera paint, the students will paint a picture of the object that they selected. The picture should show the object’s personality or show it doing what ever it does in the story. Closure : The

students will take turns going in front of the class. They will tell their story and show their picture. Note : This lesson will take two days. Evaluation : Did the students use their imaginations to come up with a story? Did the students successfully put their thoughts down on paper? By reading their stories and looking at their pictures, is it clear what they were writing about? Did the students successfully use the tempera paints to create a picture of their story? Art Lesson Title of Lesson : I Wish That I Had… Appropriate Age : Six years old. Objectives : This lesson is designed so that the students use their imaginations. They should also learn that they are best just the way they are. The students will practice and learn techniques of sculpy clay. Materials : The

materials needed for this lesson are the story I Wish That I Had Duck Feet by Theo. LeSieg, writing paper, pencils, and sculpy clay. Motivation : The teacher reads the story I Wish That I Had Duck Feet by Theo. LeSieg to the class. Together as a class, talk about how even though the boy thought that it would be a lot of fun to have some thing different, like duck feet, there were always negatives that came out. The teacher does a demonstration of how to make a person out of sculpy clay. Procedure : Each student thinks of something that they would like to have like duck feet, wings, fins, or a turtle shell. With help from the teacher (if needed) the students are to write down a list of reasons why they would like it and another list of reasons why they are better without it. Using

sculpy clay, the students will make themselves with whatever it is that they want. They will first make their body by rolling the sculpy -making it long and round. They will then roll a ball out for their head. Place the head on top of the body, push it down hard enough so that it stays. Make the face by first pinching out a nose, the eyes will automatically be indented. To finish the face and add detail, the sculpy can be pinched out or added on to. Use pieces of the sculpy to make arms, legs, feet, clothes, ect. (make sure that they are attached so that they do not fall off). Remind the students to add whatever it is that they want. Details and texture can be added with a pointed object like a sharpened pencil. When finished, they need to be cooked so that they harden. It may

be necessary to have the students cook them at home. – Bake the sculpy on a cooking tray at 275 degrees for about five minutes. If the sculpy is still Closure : When the students are finished, they each get a chance to tell the class what it is that they would like to have and why. The whole class is to pretend that they have it. Evaluation : Did the students use their imaginations when thinking of an animal part that they would like to have? Did the students successfully use the sculpy clay to portray themselves with this part? Were their projects each unique? Did the students come up with reasons why they would like to have this part? Did the students realize that they are better off with out it, being just the way that they are? Did the students enjoy pretending to have the