Around The World In Eighty Days Essay

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Around The World In Eighty Days Essay, Research Paper Robert Bebber October 11, 1999 Period 3 ?Around the World in Eighty Days? By: Jules Verne Adventure NovelTheme:The themes of this novel are calmness and persistence. These two themes are exemplified by one character, Mr. Fogg. Mr. Fogg is always calm in the novel not once in this novel does he show any anxiety or nervousness. Mr. Fogg, under a prolific amount pressure of losing a wager of twenty thousand pounds, remained very tranquil never once to lose his state of mind. The second theme of this story is persistence, shown by Mr. Fogg. Mr. Fogg never gives up on wager of a prolific amount of money, precisely twenty thousand pounds. As the odds turn against him he remains on his path and does not give up. His persistence

in the end pays off and Mr. Fogg wins his wager, on who The Reform Club will pay. But did he really achieve a goal by making this unbelievable trip around the world in an astonishing eighty days. Setting: This novel takes place in the late 1800?s, approximately 1872. Mr. Phileas Fogg lived at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens. As the story progresses on and one tiny wager is made, a trip around the world changes the setting of this novel many a times. Some of these settings are London, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco, and New York. Clearly though one the most important settings was in the Indian forests, which were passed through, in order to pursue to Kandallah. The Carnatic and the Mongolia were also key settings to the novel. Plot: In the 19th

century, a man by the name of Phileas Fogg, made a wager that he would be able to travel the world in approximately eighty days. At the time of his wager he was looking for a servant. He found a servant by the name of Jean Passepartout. These two came to the understanding that Fogg was the master and Passepartout was just a man. His master told Passepartout that they were leaving immediately to travel around the world and told him to pack a carpetbag. Then new means of funds were given by The Daily Telegraph, who decided that the trip had a shot. Then a detective by the name of Fix sent a telegram to the commissioner saying that he found the robber and needed a warrant immediately, if not sooner. As Fix boarded the Mongolia, Passepartout approached him. He asked fix where he

could get the passport of his master visaed. As Fix looked at the passport with intent, asked him if this was his passport, but Passepartout replied that it was his master?s visa. As Fix left, he rushed himself immediately to the consul and told him he had good belief that his robber was on the Mongolia. As they were talking two men interrupted, Passepartout and his master, Phileas Fogg, Fogg asked the consul if he could have his passport visaed to prove he used the Suez. After this Passepartout however tells Fix all he knows, therefore making it certain to Fix?s assumption that points to Fogg, as the robber of fifty-five thousand pounds. Luckily for Phileas Fogg, and his wager, that the Indian Ocean and Red Sea were partly in his favor. While on Malabar Hill, Passepartout had a

little too much curiosity and when he started to go back to the station he was beaten by priests, but was able to hit two of the adviseries and broke free. Even though he ended up losing his shoes. They ended having to make their own transportation to Allahabad, so they went out and Fogg offered to pay a sum for an elephant for transportation paying up front two thousand pounds for the animal. A Parsee offered his service, which proved to be a great help in their journey to Allahabad. As they went on Kiouni stopped suddenly, and the Parsee heard a noise and went to check he came back and said that a procession of Brahmins were coming their way and if possible if they did not see us. They realized she would be burned alive so they, with generosity, said that they would come to her