Argentina Essay Research Paper Chris TudorSpanish 1Report121499ArgentinaArgentina

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Argentina Essay, Research Paper Chris Tudor Spanish 1 Report 12-14-99 Argentina Argentina is second largest in area and fourth largest in population in Latin America. Argentina covers more than 1 million square miles. The official language of Argentina is Spanish. More than 90% of the population is Roman Catholic. Land The Argentine landscape slopes downward from the Andes Mountains in the west to the Atlantic coast in the East. The border with Chile follows the crest of the Andes. In the Andes, heights of peaks range anywhere from more than 20,000 feet in the north to less than 5,000 feet in Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of the continent. South America?s highest mountain is in the Andes, Mt. Aconcagua, which is 22,831 feet in height. Eastward from the northern Andes

lies an arid plateau called Gran Chaco. It is a region of scrub woodland mixed with grassy savannas. Further east is the region called Mesopotamia. Gran Chaco and Mesopotamia together form the Northeast region of the Argentine Republic. In the next region to the south is the Pampa, a low, flat plain interrupted only by low hills or sierras. The pampas, or plains, are the homeland of the famous Argentine gauchos. South of the Colorado River is Patagonia, the largest region of Argentina. It extends from the Pampa to the Tierra del Fuego and was named in 1520 by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan while he was sailing on his trip around the world. The climate in this area is dry and windy. Economy Argentina has always been one of the most prosperous Latin American countries.

Unlike most of its neighbors, the country has developed a strong manufacturing industry. they have become less dependent on agriculture. Today, Argentina is largely self-sufficient in consumer goods. However, in the late 20th century, the Argentine economy suffered from severe inflation like that of many other countries. This condition has been complicated upon because of an unstable government and continuing domestic and international political problems. Transportation and Communication Argentina?s airlines, railways, and bus and ship lines constitute the most extensive transportation system in Latin America. The rail network is the most complete on the continent, spreading out from Buenos Aires in all directions. All the rail lines are government owned. The roads are extensive,

also, and link all parts of the nation with the capital.. The telephone and telegraph networks are mostly government owned. Education Argentina possess one of the highest literacy rates in South America. The public schools were built by government subsidies, especially under the leadership of President Domingo F. Sarmiento from 1864 to 1874. Primary education is compulsory and free, but further schooling is very expensive. Argentina?s vocational schools offer commercial, agricultural, and industrial instruction. The first university in Argentina was established at Cordoba in 1613. Other national universities were founded in Buenos Aires, La Plata, San Miguel de Tucuman, Santa Fe, Mendoza, Bahia Blanca, Corrientes, and Santa Rosa. Government The constitution of Argentina was

formed in 1853 and has amended a few times. It established Argentina as a federal republic with separate executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The constitution calls for an executive branch to be headed by a president who is elected directly by the people for a term of four years. He may not succeed himself. The president and the vice-president must both be Roman Catholics and at least 30 years of age. The president also serves as commander in chief of the armed forced. According to the constitution the legislature is two consist of two houses, the Senate is to be composed of a minimum of two members from each of Argentina?s provinces and from the Federal District. Provincial senators must be 30 years of age and are elected by their local legislatures for nine-year