April Fools Essay Research Paper April FoolsIntroductionThere

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April Fools Essay, Research Paper April Fools Introduction There was a group of friends that was very united. They were always together. They had a great friendship, and were recognized for it. This group of friends consists of: + Belinda: a responsible girl that cares for others. + Hildy: a nice girl who is very friendly. + Frank: the oldest of the 3 and also the most irresponsible; usually gets in trouble. The story is about this group that, as I said, was very unite, until April Fools, the day that changed their lives. All began where there was going to be a party out of town, and Frank who was the only one with an I.D. was the one to drive. The problem was that in the party he exceeded in beers, and because his state of unconsciousness he didn’t know what he did. The

topic of this story is nonfiction and the setting is New York. April Fools by Richie T. Cusick. Chapter 1 Belinda was starting her day at school as normal. She arrived to school without knowing that she will suddenly be very scared. She got to Hildy and they started chatting. Then, Frank came with a good new: ” There’s gonna be a party this Saturday at my friends house, you are invited.” That was his words. This party was of some college buddies of Frank+s older brother. That Saturday will always be present in Belinda+s mind. That Saturday no one wondered of what was going to happen. Everyone thought it will be a great party and that everything will go wonderful. This party was out of town and on…on April Fool’s Day. Yes, it was going to be on April 1st. That week no

one talked of anything that was not about the party. Around the school the only thing that was heard was: “This party will be great.” Of course, that there was going to be beers, as in any college party. Belinda at first had her doubts. She was a minor and she knew her mother wouldn’t let her go. All that week Belinda was the only one that didn’t know if she was going. Frank, that was a very good friend, but he sometimes was very irresponsible, (he was like the worst in the group) convinced her of going, and the excuse was that she will stay at Hildy+s house as any other weekend to rent some movies. Chapter 2 With this excuse, her mother let her go, trusting her. Belinda was happy and quickly went to Hildy+s. There she dressed up and was ready for the party. Since Frank

was the only one with an I.D. he was the one to drive. He arrived to Hildy+s and picked both of them and went to the party. At the party, everyone danced and drank and smoked and had a lot of fun. The party was going well and Belinda was having a lot of fun. She and Frank danced almost all night, the same as Hildy. Hildy noticed that Frank was drinking too much, and this was when the problem started. Hildy wanted to leave the party, because if no, everything might turn worse. She tried to convince Frank of leaving, but Frank, with his state of unconsciousness didn’t know what was happening, and since he had the facility to drink more, he wanted to stay. Finally, Belinda and Hildy forced Frank to leave. The problem will now be worse… Chapter 3 While driving back home, Belinda

and Hildy were scared about Frank+s situation and wanted to get back home the sooner they can. Frank started joking, but these jokes were for bad. He took a shortcut that his brother recommended, where there wasn’t likely to be any highway patrol near the airport. Of course that Belinda and Hildy rejected, but they couldn’t do anything against Frank. Frank had started feeling sick, but there was nowhere to pull off on the narrow downhill stretch, and it was so curvy dangerous, and Belinda was so frightened. That’s when another car pulled up behind them, honking, trying to pass. By this time, a terrible storm was present. Belinda had peered out through the rain on the back window, but hadn’t been able to see any faces and the car kept honking and honking and Frank had