APEC Essay Research Paper The question is — страница 3
for investors and the business elite. This will be accomplished at the expense of the rest of us. Since the Canada – US free trade agreement, corporations have been experiencing record profits, yet the income of the poorest fifth of Canadians has dropped 20%. APEC will continue this erosion of wages and working conditions. Labour will be forced to make concessions in order to compete with workers in countries such as Indonesia, where trying to organize a union can get you killed. APEC encourages child labour, and sweat shop working conditions. It is these sub-human labour practices which lure investment from companies like Nike. While the world is being made borderless for capital and corporations, human beings remain trapped in poverty. This is not about prosperity, this is about more poverty for more people. There are No Alternatives No is an alternative. There are plenty of international organizations and conferences aimed at making the world a better place to do business. Making the world a better place, however, is left to underfunded NGO’s and a few toothless UN bureaucracies. If the will exists to reduce tariffs and government budgets, then why shouldn’t the will exist to reduce poverty and the size of the military? If we can negotiate “Free Trade” then we can also negotiate the dismantling of corporate rule. There are models for Fair Trade. There are always alternatives. 30f
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