Ankle Injuries Essay Research Paper Ankle InjuriesYes

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Ankle Injuries Essay, Research Paper Ankle Injuries Yes, if we did not have it or if it is broken, fractured, sprained, etc, life can be a little difficult. The ankle is a very important tool in the art of walking, running, even standing. The average ankle consists of bones such as the Talus and Calcaneus. The thickened portion of the fibula called the medial malleolus forms the ankle joint or talocrural joint sometimes-called ankle mortise. The ankle joint allows two motions: plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. Stretching, strengthening of key muscles, improving neuromuscular control, proper footwear, and proper taping or bracing can prevent many ankle injuries. Since the ankles support the entire weight of the body, the ankles are particularly susceptible to injury. An

estimated two million people are treated for ankle sprains and strains annually, and ankle fractures are among the most common injuries treated by orthopedists. The most common type of ankle injury is a sprain and usually results when the ankle is twisted, or inverted. The term sprain signifies injury to the soft tissues, usually the ligaments, of the ankle. On the lateral side of the ankle there are three ligaments that make up the lateral ligament complex. These include the anterior talofibular ligament (ATF), the calcanerfibular ligament (CF) and the posterior talofibular ligament (PTF). The very common inversion injury to the ankle usually injures the anterior talofibular ligament and the calcaneofibular ligament. The ATF ligament keeps the ankle from sliding forward and the

CF ligament keeps the ankle from rolling over on its side. The ankle is a hinge joint that connects the lower leg bones with the foot through many tough fiber cords called ligaments. Because of these ligament “bridges,” the ankle is quite strong and able to handle a lot of force and movement. If an ankle is twisted, it often can result in an injury to these ligaments. An ankle strain occurs when the ligaments are stretched beyond their normal limit. An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments are partially or completely torn. Anyone, from the best-conditioned athlete to the most sedentary office worker, can incur an ankle injury. Usually, the cause is accidental–jogger steps in a pothole; a pregnant woman slips getting out of her car; a weekend softball player slides

awkwardly into a base. Overweight people and women who wear high-heeled shows are at particular risk for ankle injuries. A ligament is made up of multiple strands of tissue– similar to nylon rope. A sprain results in tearing of the ligaments. The tear can be a complete tear of all the strands of the ligament or a partial tear, where portions of the strands of the ligament are torn. The ligament is weakened by the injury– how much depends on the degree of the tear. The lateral ligaments are by far the most commonly injured ligaments in a typical inversion injury of the ankle. An inversion simply means that the ankle tilts over to the outside edge of the foot. This causes the ligaments on the outside of the ankle to stretch and possible tear. An eversion ankle sprain is less

common than inversion sprains mainly because of the bony and ligamentous anatomy. Eversion injuries may involve an avulsion fracture of the tibia before the deltoid ligament tears. Even though Eversion sprains are less common than Inversion sprains they may take longer to heal. A Dorsiflexion sprain is when the anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments are torn with forced dorsiflexion and are often injured in conjunction with severe sprain of the medial and lateral ligament complexes. These sprains often take months to heal. Sprains are graded on a scale of 1 to 3 – mild, moderate or severe – reflecting the relative amount of tearing to the ligaments. Initially the ankle is swollen, painful, and may turn eccyhmotic (bruised). The bruising, and the initial swelling, is