Animal TestingRights Essay Research Paper Do we

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Animal Testing/Rights Essay, Research Paper Do we own animals…or do we simply care for them as pets and use them in our experiments and research? What distinguishes a pet from a lab/test animal..What characteristics make them any different from each other? Do the tests we do actually have significance and how far can we take them? These are the debated questions many researchers stray from answering..These tests are supposedly for the better of humanity..but what do the animals get from them? What is it that gives us the right to pluck a species from its natural environment to cram it into a cage, breed it as often as we see fit, stick needles in its eyes and burn its skin? Often it is said that because animals can’t feel as much pain, this is an acceptable

practice…They say that if they felt it, they would scream or fight back. Truth being is that many of them do scream and even cry (cows and chickens will cry tears similar to humans)…Fighting back isn’t an option with as many restraints as they have preventing it. Others say this is justified because it is the only way for medical and scientific research to make any type of advances…Truth being, according to many scientific American researchers, trends in animal research, over half these ‘necessary’ tests are actually for unnecessary reasons. Many of the tests performed are without any type of pain killers, even after the tests are performed. This is done so the results are in the purest form… Many opinions on animal rights are formed by being educated on the

subject. This could be why many scientists are changing their ways and substituting test tubes for test rats and have even admitted some of their faults in procedure. Many researchers have been brainwashed and trained into thinking animals aren’t anything but “stimulus-response bundles”.This is how they can do these procedures without having any regret about the agony they induce almost mechanically. Many choose not to think of these beings as anything but data. If you own a pet, how would you feel if you knew this was happening to it? I don’t know how compassionate one must be to not want their pets skin burned off or needles poked through their pets eyes for an eyeshadow experiment. Usually, pets are completely thought of as being totally different from a test

animal..But why? What is it that makes them so different? nothing. I took a survey of 100 people, I asked each of them the same questions: Do you own a pet? and Do you believe that animal experimentation is just? I asked these because I wanted to find out if people who knew what animals were like ”up close and personal” and people that didn’t know what animals were like ”up close and personal” thought of animal testing..and how did owning a pet affect the way people thought of testing…the results were as follows: Of 100 people, 50 of whom do own a pet and 50 who dont.. 39 of the 50 people that own pets disagree with testing *in most cases. Of the 50 people that don’t own pets, 8 of them disagreed with testing *in most cases. I think this test clearly shows that when

people get to know an animals behavior and know what it is like, opinions change on the harm they want to come to animals in general. Most of these test animals were born and will die in extreme pain in laboratories for the ”good of humans”. 2 billion mammals alone die each year in these tests. Of the percentages, 89% of the tests are on rodents, 2% are on dogs and cats, 3% are on primates, and the remaining 6% are on pigs and animal fetuses. Should animal testing be allowed on certain animals but not on others? I don’t think so. What is it that makes one animal higher than the other? Is it intelligence? Take a human VS. Cow. Naturally most people would rather see a cow get hurt than a human, but why? Just because a human can say ”that hurts” gives us higher status? The