Anger Essay Research Paper AngerThe definition of
Anger Essay, Research Paper Anger The definition of anger is, a feeling of displeasure, hostility or exasperation toward someone or something. Anger is also when you feel lonely or in certain situations you feel depressed. There are many results that go with anger one of them is negative by throwing things, by yelling at things or people and also taking it out on yourself by hitting or punching yourself. Anger can also lead to crime, abuse or more violent behaviors such as wrecking something of someone else?s. Anger also has positive affects like if your in a basketball game and you get angry at someone you might play harder and win the game. Anger can help you reach your goals, handle emergencies, solve problems and protect your health and yourself. There are five different ways to deal with anger they are competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding and accommodating. Competing is when you only blame the other person or thing you are angry at. When you try to start a fight. Collaborating is when you blame you self by saying ? it?s ok it is all my fault? when it is the other persons fault. Compromising going half and half with someone saying yes that part is your fault but this other part is my fault. Avoiding is where you try to stay away from the problem and act like it never happened. Accommodate is to change yourself so the problem is resolved. I learned my style competing by my dad. I think that because when we get mad we do the same thing. Like if my computer won?t do what I want it to do I take it out on the computer and anyone that is around me. By yelling or just not talking to any one. My mom always says you act just like your dad when you get angry. I have always been this way. That is why I swim I like to compete with people till I get my way or win the battle. When my dad was in high school he was a wrestler and that is a very competitive sport also. Anger is an important issue at home because I think that when one person gets mad that it makes some families pull closer because everyone wants to know what is wrong, that gets more families to talk. Anger is also important to talk to someone weather it is someone at home, school or at work because you need to talk to someone about why you are angry or you could commit suicide or hurt your self very badly. You will always talk to someone about it because you can?t always keep it in you. I think that anger dose effect the climate at MTHS because when there is a fight them people act more violent I think. When someone at our school is angry at someone then they get other people mad at that person to even if they don?t know them it?s just because they mad your friend mad that you will start to hate the person that got your friend mad. Also when someone gets mad and starts to yell at a teacher we all in that class suffer from it we now have the teacher mad. Anger effect the work place by the same way it effects the school one person gets mad and that makes everyone around you in a bad mood also. Anger can make you not do quality work since you are sow mad that you just sit there or you do poor work because you are thinking about something else. Anger can bring on many health issues like you can hurt you self when you get angry. You could commit suicide or try to kill someone else. Anger can cause you to get migraine headaches, severe gastrointestinal symptoms, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. You could also think that drugs or drinking can help you solve your problems and they could cause many more health problems such as over dosing. Rage is when you take out anger in a violent way weather it is beating someone or just messing something up of someone?s. You can get rage from being angry at some one or something. Things that make me angry are when you are in a class to learn and you get immature kids in that class and you never get anything done because they ask stupid questions that never get
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