Analysis Of Australian Literature Essay Research Paper — страница 2
of them. If it isn’t something that suits them it is easier to just put it out of sight then to try and understand it. There will never be a peaceful coexistence of races because of this. The writings imply that things have been this way since anyone could remember and I personally do not see them changing. The different caste systems pretty much make it so someone is always higher up on the food chain then you. There will always be someone with more power. The higher castes usually do not take to kindly to the lower castes. Mixing any two levels is not looked upon as a very good idea and usually is made publicly aware. Most of the time the different castes are split up by birth rights and there is little area for vertical movement meaning that its very difficult to ride from a lower class. In all of these stories the white population is viewed as the highest caste or the most respected race I guess you could say. They are always viewed at the top and in these stories the lowest class is the blacks. I find this to be true as of today. Some people feel that the best way to deal with something that they do not understand is to discriminate against it or flat out try and destroy it. Racial discrimination has always been and chances are always will be a concern through out the world. All around the world there will be different races cohabitating in the same area. We see it every day
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