Allergy Enlightenment Is Modern Medicine Fighting the Causes of This Ailment? Are Doctors Telling Us Everything? — страница 2

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capital? Location, location, location... What else? (Intensity of exposure) Until I came to Chicago, I never had pollen allergy. Furthermore, I observed that I did not suffer pollen allergy the first year in spring (in Chicago). What was different that first year? Is that my IMMUNE SYSTEM was working properly then, and eventually failed in protecting my organism which caused my sufferings (runny nose, itchy red eyes, occasional nasal congestion)? That is unbelievable because I live a healthy way of life, avoiding smoking, drinking, and other hazardous habits. I spent over two years in Atlanta also and never "suffered" allergies there. Plus, I grew up at a rural town, and all the farm work, and our wonder garden never caused any trouble during blossom time. Pollen maps

of the USA show that Chicago is in the "heavy" zone, which is second to "very heavy pollination" zone. Pollen maps are made using pollen count of a cubic meter (or another unit of measurement) of local air. Within a state or a city, neighborhoods can also be classified according their pollination level, vegetation type. For instance, I live in Hickory Hills, IL, and hickory pollen is a well-known "allergen" ( pollen library). But even in Chicago, many people are not having pollen allergies, while some cashing out on prescription allergy-relief drugs after exhausting the power of OTC drugs. Why? Another thing to know about Chicago is that it is a very windy place. Although it is not the windiest city in the USA, its winds take pollens

around for hundreds of miles, and most importantly at high speeds. What is pollen? pollination n : transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a plant [syn: pollenation] WordNet, Princeton University Every spring most trees and other plants blossom, and most of them emit pollen. Insects and birds are good carriers of pollen, but the best and invisible one is wind. As said before, winds carry pollen for hundreds of miles, and even after the winds subside, since pollen is so tiny and light, it stays afloat for a very long time in the air. Rains are very good at washing away pollen from air and various surfaces, but short and light rains only make things worse by elevating already settled pollen from surfaces back into the air ( Most of the pollen certainly

comes in spring in majority of places, and some plants continue to blossom and emit pollen throughout the year. Pollination season is better described by blossom season. Blossoming trees and weeds produce the pollen as a natural way of multiplying. When plants start blossoming we should know that pollen is in the air and should keep ourselves away from this natural process' way. "Allergies" can be thought of as a punishment that is inflicted on us for intervening with this natural process...:) Is Pollen Really an Allergen? Yes, and no. The very definition of allergen is somewhat confusing, I believe. I read postings on Internet sites dedicated to allergies, where people ask what is so dangerous in pollen that it causes allergies. Certain sites, such as

maintained by Zyrtac, even mention some super allergens (certain weeds and trees). There is no need to create a new word and definition, such as allergy or allergen. We learnt that allergy is an immune reaction (action), which is allegedly "abnormal". Interestingly, I believe that allergy is 100% normal. I will write in detail below. By definition, allergens are anything that can cause allergy. Virtually anything can cause allergy, even people. For someone who does not like me, I would be an allergen. So, if one can call anything allergen, then there is no need to have the word itself, because words are needed for us to differentiate between things. That in turn makes us to believe that the word allergy is also redundant. I am suspecting that these words were adopted by

learned medical men mainly to confuse people from the main thing that we are dealing with - IMMUNE SYSTEM. Allergy Enlightenment I did some enlightening for myself in the field of vaccines recently (, and I do not trust medical professionals in this field anymore. My family is now protected from vaccines and everything else that comes with it, inshaallah. My knowledge of immunology led me in understanding allergy phenomenon. I came to understand that immune system works in all of us unnoticeably most of the time. Our responsibility is to take appropriate measures to consciously assist our immune system when it undertakes some extreme and noticeable actions, which is the case of "allergic reaction". Medical and other encyclopedias referred to allergies as