AL Gore The Best Plan For The — страница 2

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our nation’s security. He has stood up for American values by supporting military intervention to end ethnic cleansing and by promoting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. And he has consistently promoted peace and prosperity by helping people close the gates of war and by opening new markets abroad. Al Gore has developed a plan for American leadership on the world stage – a policy of Forward Engagement to address new security issues before they become crises and to seize the opportunities of a Global Age. Al Gore fought hard to help bring about the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. Gore cast the tie-breaking vote for Administration’s 1993 economic program, worked to support small business growth, and helped to create business opportunities for

minorities and women. Under Al Gore and the Administration, the economy has created 22 million new jobs, unemployment and inflation are at their lowest rates in three decades, and record budget deficits are now record surpluses. As Vice President and as a Member of Congress, Al Gore has been a leader in improving educational opportunities for all Americans. He has championed efforts to pursue proven strategies for improving public education – reducing class sizes, improving standards and accountability, and bringing technology into classrooms. He has worked to increase access to higher education and lifetime learning opportunities, and he has advocated for get-tough proposals to make schools safer and drug-free. Al Gore has taken on the oil industry to fight for American

consumers, protect our environment and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Al Gore uncovered evidence of and fought against an illegal pricing scheme that cost American consumers billions of dollars. Gore also has worked to protect oil spill victims, ensure oil companies pay for major environmental disasters and generate domestic oil resources. “Thanks to Gore, the Clinton Administration is the most pro-environment in a generation.” [Time Magazine, 4/19/99] From his pioneering work to raise awareness of the problems of global warming to protecting and saving America’s natural treasures, Al Gore has a record of action and leadership in protecting our environment and quality of life for generations to come. Al Gore has a plan to build upon the progress of the past seven

years by promoting more livable communities and taking new steps to protect our fragile coastlines. Throughout his public service career, Al Gore has shown leadership and vision on an array of international policy issues. From safeguarding nuclear arsenals, to fighting terrorism, to helping to slow global warming, he has always focused on combating threats to our nation’s security. He has stood up for American values by supporting military intervention to end ethnic cleansing and by promoting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. And he has consistently promoted peace and prosperity by helping people close the gates of war and by opening new markets abroad. Al Gore has developed a plan for American leadership on the world stage – a policy of Forward Engagement to

address new security issues before they become crises and to seize the opportunities of a Global Age. As a member of Congress, and as Vice President, Al Gore has fought to keep dangerous guns out of the hands of criminals. He supported a ban on assault weapons, worked to craft a compromise on the Brady Bill, and has fought for additional penalties for gun-related crimes. In addition, the Vice President has been a vocal advocate for eliminating guns in our schools. As a Member of Congress and as Vice President, Al Gore has worked hard to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care. He has fought for a strong, enforceable Patients’ Bill of Rights, worked to ensure that women and children receive high quality care, promoted innovative solutions for

long term care needs, and fought to protect and improve Medicare and Medicaid. Gore also has been a leading advocate for medical research. Al Gore has been a committed leader in advocating investment in information technologies. From early in his Congressional career, Al Gore has focused on the potential of the information technology age. Al Gore has worked to connect every classroom in America to the Internet, promoted privacy on-line, advocated faster Internet connections and he has become a prime advocate for the development of the Next Generation Internet. Al Gore has worked hard to ensure that older Americans get the services they need and the respect they deserve. He has fought to protect and strengthen Social Security and he has worked to provide supplemental retirement