Age Of Exploration Essay Research Paper Age
Age Of Exploration Essay, Research Paper Age of Exploration AP Questions Garret Matteotti 1. In what ways was the Age of Exploration an extension of the Renaissance? The Age of Exploration was an extension of the Renaissance because of many factors. The rich during the Renaissance wanted spices. Spices they could only get in Asia.To get the spices invloved, traveling through Asia and the Middle East was necessary. The discovery of North America led to the idea of the Northwest Passage. Gold and other riches were sought after by various European monarchs, in North America. These monarchs needed the gold and other riches to help pay off there debts, which at that time were extremely high due to the money spent on artwork, during the Renaissance. Monarchies, especially from France, England, Portugal and Spain, all were after the riches the New World could provide them with. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain endorsed these ideas and the voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. Columbus sailed with the intent of reaching Asia, and upon his arrival in the New World, he believed he had reached Asia, although a remote part of it. This landmark voyage was yet another reason to rethink old ideas. Columbus proved many people wrong, and in the spirit of the Renaissance, his voyage added fuel to the burning fire of adventure and discovery. 2. What relationship, if any, exists between the Age of Exploration and the Crusades? There was an extremely strong relationship between the crusades and the Age of Exploration. The crusades were, and still are, the largest Religious wars ever fought, and upon the eventual fall of Jerusalem, there was a need felt to recover lost territory. This territory was viewed the same as the New World was viewed. The citizens of Jerusalem were viewed as lost souls that needed help in finding their religious path, the same as the Native Americans were viewed. It was thought of as a mission to save souls, just like the crusades. The Crusades became a blood bath in the name of God, pitting Catholics against the Islam Nation, with both sides fighting for what they believed to be their own. In the New World, missionaries often could be just as cruel, converting by means of force, and often not stopping to consider the culture of the people, they were trying to “save”. On the other hand, missionaries such as Bartholomew de Las Casas, spoke out against the injustice against the natives. He told the cruel and unfair missionaries what they were doing was wrong. They should not force their religion onto other people, but present it to them, and let the individual decide. The intention of the crusades and the conversion of the native people was honorable, but both proved to be egocentric European experiments, with no regard to the culture and/ or traditions of others people. 3. What factors (social, political, geographical) enabled Portugal to take the early lead in exploration? Portugal had many advantages, which other European countries did not have, that lead to their early lead in exploration. Portugal’s monarchy was highly in favor and supported of the exploration of the New World. Christopher Columbus discovered America. Portuguese sailors discovered South America, and laid claims to the country of Brazil. The Portuguese discovered South America because of their closeness to Equator, and due to wind patterns at that time. Although Portugal’s location helped them get a head start in the exploration, they could not of done it without their vast number of brave and skilled soldiers. The monarchy of Portugal wanted to have land claims in The New World, expanding Portugal’s vast empire worldwide. Helping Portugal produce sailors was the navigational and sailing school, established by Prince Henry, in Sagres. This school helped produce some of the best sailors this world has ever known. Portugal was a sailing nation from the beginning, before
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