Advertisements Built Ford Tough Essay Research Paper — страница 2

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color chosen for the words ?I bring the party? seems to portray a fiery, dominating statement made by whomever owns the truck. Also, the coffee cups have three cups lying down and three cups standing up ? with one standing taller than the rest. This could be taken to mean that, if someone buys a truck of this model, he would stand a little taller than the rest of his friends or co-workers. The Ford Motor Company advertising clich? for their truck division is located at the bottom right hand of the ad. It emphatically states, ?Built Ford Tough.? In other words, it seems to imply that whoever buys this model of truck will be just a little bit tougher than those who don?t. The color scheme of the photographs is deliberately chosen to be lighter than normal in order for the words to

stand out in a more dominating fashion. All of these qualities are hoped to appeal to that dominant, masculine nature that men tend to want to portray to their peers. Ford appears to have made a successful effort in reaching its target audience in this advertisement. Not only did they appeal to at least three of the basic needs men tend to express, but it also opened the door for future advertisements to further explain other benefits of owning such a truck as the one in the present ad. Stephen Leacock stated in his Garden of Folly, ?Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.? If this is true, then this advertisement may only be judged by the amount of trucks that are sold to the readers of Popular Science.