Abortion Essay Research Paper May 1990 Bill — страница 2

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that individual. It has been scientifically proven that even an embryo at just fourteen days individually exist from fertilization. “The embryo is specifically human, and begins to organize itself at once, to interpret and execute the instructions in the DNA code it carries. It is complete, unique, human and alive.” (Early Human Development). At five weeks old, a slowly developing eye can be seen behind the brain. “an appropriate sequence because a refined eye is useless with out a refined brain to read and interpret messages it sends” (Development of the Pre born Child in the Womb). Even though the child is unborn it still shows signs of intelligent life. “By twenty-eight weeks the eye is so sensitive to light that if a physician peers into the uterus with a fetoscope,

the child will try to shield its eyes with its hands” (Development of the Pre born Child). How can this not be considered a human being? Unborn children are human beings and under the law should be protected. “Advocates of the fetus’s moral right to use its mother’s body argue that the fetus is innocent and therefore entitled to be born. It never asked to be born but was conceived by two other people whose rights are not as compelling as the fetus’s right to life” (Terkel 128). Society is obligated to defend an unborn child’s right to life. “”Like others who are incapable of making rational decisions – the comatose, the senile, the severely mental disabled – a fetus is vulnerable and dependent on others to make its moral decision” (Terkel 131). Terminating

a pregnancy should be illegal and classified as a murderous act. Society does not tolerate a 14 month child, a 10 year old, a 45 year old or a 98 year old to be murdered or any living human being. Doesn’t a six month old fetus have the right to be classified as a human being? Religious doctrines support the right of life to an unborn child. Scientifically, the embryo is proven to be a separate entity and individual from the mother. Mothers who terminate their pregnancies can suffer from long term effects of Post Abortion Syndrome. The supporting evidence proves that abortion should be classified as a form a murder and be deemed illegal. “Abortion.” The 1998 Canadian & World Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1997. “Development of Pre Born Children.”

http://www.lifecall.org/develo.asp. (10 Jan 2001). “Early Human Development”. http://www.abortionbashing/earlyhum.com. (12 Jan 2001). “Jer 1:5 “. http://www.lifecall.org/ourfavo.asp. (10 Jan 2001). “Luke 1: 43-44″. http://www.lifecall.org/ourfavo.asp. (10 Jan 2001). “Stats – Birth and Abortion”. http://www.lifecall.org/stats.asp. (10 Jan 2001). “Ursala’s story”. http://www.lifecall.org/twowomen.asp. (10 Jan 2001). Terkel, Susan Neiburg. Abortion Facing The Issues. New York: Franklin Watts, 1988.