Abortion Essay Research Paper ABORTION 1

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Abortion Essay, Research Paper ABORTION 1. What are the issues? Abortion has been a major subject in the eyes of Americans for the past thirty years. It is something that Political Parties (ex. Right To Life) are chosen by and it is an issue that people are very passionate about. People feel that having an abortion should be considered murder while other people think its a very acceptable practice. 2. What Laws are there? Abortion Right are decided by the State. New York State say sthat a Justifiable Abortional Act occurs only when committed upon a female with her consent by a duly licensed physician acting under a reasonable belief that such is necessary to preserve her life, or, (b) within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of her pregnancy. A pregnant female’s

commission of an abortional act upon herself is justifiable when she acts upon the advice of a duly licensed physician (1) that such act is necessary to preserve her life, or, (2)within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of her pregnancy. The submission by a female to an abortional act is justifiable when she believes that it is being committed by a duly licensed physician, acting under a reasonable belief that such act is necessary to preserve her life, or, within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of her pregnancy. 3. Pro Abortion An argument for Abortion would support that sometimes females might need an abortion when the baby can not be afforded by the mother or her family or when the baby is unwanted. Pro Abortion Activists believe it is better to rid a baby before

they enter into the earth rather than letting the baby live where it can not be cared for nor supported. 4. Con Abortion Abortion to many people can be considered murder. When abortion is committed you are depriving someone the right to live and without there consent. Many activists believe abortion to be considered murder. Abortion is also irreligious and disagrees with the Bible. 5. My Side I personally believe that there are many babies in the world that are unwanted and cannot be cared for because of many reasons and that Abortion is a way out of these problems. I personally believe that someone is having an abortion they should of practiced safe sex in the first place and this probably would not of happened. I think that there are a lot of consideration for having an

abortion and that they should be carefully sought out before doing so.