A Gathering Of Old Men Essay Research — страница 2

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past. She is white and has not been oppressed by the white men for years. Luke Will and Charlie Biggs represent the extremes of the two worlds. They are the members that take the most outrageous action; therefore, they stand of the symbols that represent the prevention of change and change. They are of two different worlds, and yearns for two different goals. Their speech is also a symbol of the division. When the black men narrate they speak with bad English, for example, Chimley says “Now, I ain’t even stepped in the house ‘fore that old woman start fussing at me” (32). When narration is from Miss Merle or Lou Dimes the slang is not portrayed. This proves the extent of the division, it is even visible in their speech. The story is set in the 1970’s; however, while

reading the novel it did not appear as though the civil right’s movement had even taken place. This was true only in the inner world, Marshall Quarters, not the outer world where Gil and Cal, “Salt and Pepper”, were playing football together. It also portrayed how Marshall Quarters is stuck in the past. Throughout the novel, the distinction of the two worlds become consistently more evident. The entire novel is based on these inner and outer worlds that separate the blacks and whites. These men were not violent, but on this day, they did not to return home without a battle. They were standing up for brothers and sisters, children, and their ancestors who had dealt with years of pain, oppression, and disgrace. On this day they were all men, men who were proud.