1984 9 Essay Research Paper AN ANALYTIC — страница 2
invented everything including the question mark. But what I find interesting is that as individuals they did know what was happening. Look how many people worked with Winston. Changing the past was not just Winston s job. As I said before, the silence was mostly because it was you and the party . No one socialized. There were no friends, family would turn on you, and most people did not love their husbands/wives. It was impermissible to show affection to your spouse. The board would choose who should get married. If the two people were shown to be in love then they could not be married. Winston s wife would not have sex but do her duty to the party . The insanity of life in Oceania was not being able to trust anyone. I don t think that there was a revolutionary group. But people did see what was going on. People did think about revolting. But in Oceania one man can t make a difference. Without people backing you there can t be a revolt. People were thinking about revolting and hating Big Brother. If not, why were there thought police? When Winston went to be cured in the Ministry of Love there were other people there. If no one felt hatred to this way of life then Winston would have been alone. Big Brother is the leader of Oceania. No one has actually seen him in person. He controls everything and has been around forever. The people love him even though they can t see him. He is like G-d to them. In the bible, G-d is everywhere. He sees everything and hears everything. He knows what you are thinking and sees your good deeds. Big Brother as well does all of this. With the help of the telescreens all of this is made possible. The people do not even question his existence. I feel that if O Brien was working all along for the inner party that maybe Goldstein is really Big Brother. The book he wrote did not really explain everything and Goldstein is really somewhat of an unknown as well. The novel 1984 opened the minds of many people in the 1940 s. More importantly, is that even today 1984 still allows us to view the world with Winston s eyes. It shows us how many things we do on a daily basis for no other reason then that s what we are supposed to do. The ideas of the book are truly a parallel to Big Brother because they are both timeless entities.
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